Making Positive Choices:For Professionals

For Professionals

Making Positive Choices addresses the issue of abusive behaviours at a young age.

The project supports them to make positive life choices and avoid the negative experiences and consequences we see adult perpetrators dealing with as a result of their actions: relationship/family breakdown, losing access to their children, having a criminal record.

The young people who access the project are some of the most vulnerable who have been identified by social care, police and teachers as being at risk and in need of intervention. Many have experienced several or many adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and their families are often in crisis.

We know that working together with professionals greatly increases the chances of a positive outcome for those participating in the programme. Therefore, we encourage GPs, Teachers, and others working with young people to make referrals for those who would benefit from the Choices programme.

Making Positive Choices

Our partnership has the relevant experience, knowledge, and skills to intervene and achieve a positive outcome when individuals have been referred to us by professionals already working with those individuals.

The Choices practitioners provide support, insight and simple solutions via weekly structured sessions and it takes about 3 months to complete, longer where there are barriers to engagement.

Sessions are varied and use a variety of tools and techniques. Some sessions are with the whole family, some with the parent and some with the young person. The programme reaches its full potential if both the young person and parent(s)/Carer(s) are willing to engage.

To book an initial assessment for a young person you are working with, please complete the form.

Talk to us

For a confidential chat or to arrange an initial assessment, please provide your details: